Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yeah, yeah, we're kinda crazy.

So Clinton and I have been having a heck of a time with cars and trying to get less backwards. Finally, we found a dealership they could help us out and we traded both of our cars in for a newer one. We ended up with a Mazda CX7. Its really nice, probably the nicest car I have (and will) ever own. Its hard going back down to one car, but as most of you know, we won't be needing a second vehicle in about 5 weeks.

I have decided, I am not really great at this whole blog thing. Maybe one day I will get the hang of it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm back... for now

It has been a while since my last post, because we have been in Alaska for the past ten days. We left on August 20th and returned the morning of the 31st. It was such an awesome trip. We saw so much great wildlife and so much natural beauty. It was breath taking everyday. I am working on doing another blog that is strictly "adventures" that Clinton and I have gone on. So I will be posting the full story and lots of pictures there once its actually up and running.