Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The House Project - Before pictures

So when we moved to Monterey we had aprox. 3.5 seconds to find a house to live in. Since we have a freakin zoo, it limits our options a bit. Therefore, in an effort to find a lenient landlord, cheap rent (in Monterey... HA!) and a house with a fenced in yard, we ended up with a "project house". As I mentioned the Army gave me zero time to look for a house and by the time Clinton moved out here he had all but the snake with him and he needed someplace to live ASAP!! Can you imagine living in a hotel with 3 dogs, 2 cats and a bird? It was madness. So Clinton not only got to do most of the work (since he didn't have a job yet and I was being held prisioner on base) he unfortunatly also got to live in the house of horrors. The smell alone would make you want to die. Here is a video to help you get the full effect. ENJOY! (If I can find the pictures I will post them too.)

1 comment:

  1. You have the perfect personality type for a fixer upper, though. I would go insane, but you will make it fab! I miss your stinking face. Thanks for the updates, I really enjoyed it. xoxo
