Friday, October 8, 2010

The Dog Cart

This picture cracks me up. Look at the face Bruce is pulling. LOL.

Because me and Clinton are not only slightly insane. We are also HILARIOUS. You know how there have been times you have seen someone weird (like the guy who brings his parrot into the grocery store) and mentioned it to another person and they are just like "Oh yeah, thats Harry the parrot guy" or "Oh yeah, that's just Crazy Jane" Well, I have come to the realization that "the weird guy" is me. I bring my parrot into Home Depo and let him ride around on the cart, I have a huge dog that I bring to restaurants and now we own a dog cart. Ha ha ha... I make me laugh.

More pictures for the only girl who reads my post.

The other side of the kitchen
The front room.

Not sure if you can tell, but there is no longer a hole that you can see the back yard through and we textured the wall. Only the back wall is green the rest is gray and not textured. You can see a little of the gray in the top corner

My hall... if thats what you want to call it.

This is me standing by the front door. You can see the entrance to the kitchen on the right and the bathroom straight ahead.

My crazy green kitchen. I love it.

The living room. With my awesome couch. You can see Bostons bed next to the couch. He is a spoiled brat!