Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Some pictures

I am over the fact that I such at blogging. So now I am just going to use this as a way to share some of my pictures. So here are some random pictures

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I can blog from my phone.

Maybe I will start actually updating this thing...

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Dog Cart

This picture cracks me up. Look at the face Bruce is pulling. LOL.

Because me and Clinton are not only slightly insane. We are also HILARIOUS. You know how there have been times you have seen someone weird (like the guy who brings his parrot into the grocery store) and mentioned it to another person and they are just like "Oh yeah, thats Harry the parrot guy" or "Oh yeah, that's just Crazy Jane" Well, I have come to the realization that "the weird guy" is me. I bring my parrot into Home Depo and let him ride around on the cart, I have a huge dog that I bring to restaurants and now we own a dog cart. Ha ha ha... I make me laugh.

More pictures for the only girl who reads my post.

The other side of the kitchen
The front room.

Not sure if you can tell, but there is no longer a hole that you can see the back yard through and we textured the wall. Only the back wall is green the rest is gray and not textured. You can see a little of the gray in the top corner

My hall... if thats what you want to call it.

This is me standing by the front door. You can see the entrance to the kitchen on the right and the bathroom straight ahead.

My crazy green kitchen. I love it.

The living room. With my awesome couch. You can see Bostons bed next to the couch. He is a spoiled brat!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The House Project - Before pictures

So when we moved to Monterey we had aprox. 3.5 seconds to find a house to live in. Since we have a freakin zoo, it limits our options a bit. Therefore, in an effort to find a lenient landlord, cheap rent (in Monterey... HA!) and a house with a fenced in yard, we ended up with a "project house". As I mentioned the Army gave me zero time to look for a house and by the time Clinton moved out here he had all but the snake with him and he needed someplace to live ASAP!! Can you imagine living in a hotel with 3 dogs, 2 cats and a bird? It was madness. So Clinton not only got to do most of the work (since he didn't have a job yet and I was being held prisioner on base) he unfortunatly also got to live in the house of horrors. The smell alone would make you want to die. Here is a video to help you get the full effect. ENJOY! (If I can find the pictures I will post them too.)

Random Pictures

Here are a series of some seriously random pictures.
Bruce and the Jeckyl being snuggle buddies. Its all blurry cuz he got up once he knew he was caught. Ha ha.

Me looking like a tool in my Class A uniform at the Army Ball and Clinton looking like a stud in his tux.

This pretty park we went to with my parents. Monterey is effin BE-A-UU-TEE-FUL!

Turk being... well... Turk.

Me looking out over the water

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Ok so its been a while since I updated this. I think its to the point where no one even reads it. But in case, someone does stumble upon this lovely site here are some updates:

*We moved to Monterey in February. We totally love it here! I love working for the Army and learning Arabic. Super challenging but it gives me a purpose like I have never had before. Clinton works for the SPCA rehabing wildlife and helping people get animals out of thier houses. He also had a few less that desirable duties but we can just leave it with getting to see some of Monterey's best wildlife. He is always coming home with cool stories.

*Speaking of the SPCA, I like to go up and play with the parrots there and one particular African Grey hated everyone but me. So we welcomes Wallie "officially" into the family last weekend. He is such a good talker. Hopefully I can get some pictures up.

* I was reading the last post and had to laugh. We are already planning on getting a new car. The Mohindra (sp?) is coming out late fall and we are hoping to get into one of those and stop buying new cars every year

*I now have a CA drivers license, so I am an offical Californian.

* I made two really great new friends out here. Dawn and Tricia.

* I am down to an eight minute mile on my runs.

That is all for now. I will get around to updating this again since I have internet at home now. Thanks for playing!