Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Clinton and I had a four day weekend last week and headed up to Yellowstone to help my lovely sister-in-law start up her bakery. We helped her as much as we could, and one day we spent in the park. Here are some pictures of the six of us hiking around.

Here is Clinton and I in front of one of the falls
If you look close you can see Maurie and I down at the bottom
You can see Clinton and Ryan at the bottom of the falls
Close up of me and Maurie at the bottom of the falls
Cute Gideon and I. That boy cracks me up. 

This is a picture of a coyote that we saw in the park.

This is one of the many pretty falls in Yellowstone.

Here is Maurie and Ryan's beautiful family.

Here is Clinton and I standing in front of one of the falls
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Birthday Party

So last Thursday I threw myself a Jungle Jello party... here are some pictures.

Here is Clinton dancing by the fire like a wild native.

Lovely isn't he?

Here is everyone on the deck. Front and center and Mike and Devin, two of Clinton's closest friends.

Here is Kalyn and Boston.

From Left to Right: Jackie, Emily, Kimber (all work at the zoo with Clinton), me and Halie (my sister)
I painted Boston like a zebra. He was surprisingly corporative

Kalyn and James really dressed the part

Tracy and Tim looking like laid back island tourists. Love it!

Megan and Ryan

Emily enjoying her island drink

Here I am.... pulling a seriously ugly face... WTH?

Here is our jello pit... this has a story all its own.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

So I haven't got this whole picture thing quite figured out. The pictures you see below are all cut in half and such. So I got a sweet new phone for my birthday and I am going to figure out how to keep my blog updated with it because it has a Google platform. My party at my house was wild. I have pictures that I will post as soon and me and Blogger can be friends. The party my mom threw for me was fun. I really love my family. My mom made me a sweet shirt that is probably the coolest thing she has ever made me. Other than that things have kind of sucked. Today some 67 year old man rear ended me. Ugh.. My van is just short of being totaled, I'm sure. Unless, some miracle happens and they actually total the car this whole experience is just sucky. My poor puppies were in the car and while, luckily no one was hurt, it scare the shit out of my poor babies. I will post a picture soon... hopefully... until then call me, because I may or may not have your number since my new phone has selectively deleted some of my most precious contacts.