Sunday, August 9, 2009

Birthday Party

So last Thursday I threw myself a Jungle Jello party... here are some pictures.

Here is Clinton dancing by the fire like a wild native.

Lovely isn't he?

Here is everyone on the deck. Front and center and Mike and Devin, two of Clinton's closest friends.

Here is Kalyn and Boston.

From Left to Right: Jackie, Emily, Kimber (all work at the zoo with Clinton), me and Halie (my sister)
I painted Boston like a zebra. He was surprisingly corporative

Kalyn and James really dressed the part

Tracy and Tim looking like laid back island tourists. Love it!

Megan and Ryan

Emily enjoying her island drink

Here I am.... pulling a seriously ugly face... WTH?

Here is our jello pit... this has a story all its own.

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1 comment:

  1. Dang, I can only see the first four pictures! Well, I wish I could have been there to party with you. ( Mormon Style... Ha, ha.) I hope you have a better birthday next year. If it makes you feel any better, mine totally sucked too. I say next year we celebrate together and screw everyone else. That would make for some fun at least.
