Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Random Pictures

Here are a series of some seriously random pictures.
Bruce and the Jeckyl being snuggle buddies. Its all blurry cuz he got up once he knew he was caught. Ha ha.

Me looking like a tool in my Class A uniform at the Army Ball and Clinton looking like a stud in his tux.

This pretty park we went to with my parents. Monterey is effin BE-A-UU-TEE-FUL!

Turk being... well... Turk.

Me looking out over the water

1 comment:

  1. You look so funny (all covered up) in your army gear. Thats just too weird to me. But I love the shot of you by the water- your freaking gorgeous! I hate you. Not really, I love you. But seriously, next time I see you you'll have to let me take your pictures.
