Friday, July 17, 2009

Holy Push-ups Batman

So as you all know... or should by now.. I will leave for basic training for the Army in October. To help you prepare, my recruiters office has what they call Future Soldier Training every Thursday. Sometimes we just go over combat positioning or paper work, sometimes we do PT(physical training). Both times I have experienced PT I have done a stinkin beef ton of push-ups. Yesterday we did roughly 280-290. Do you know what is is like to do almost 300 effin push-ups? Granted, after about 20 I was doing "girl push-ups" and then after about 50-100 my form was pretty lame. However, it was also super hot yesterday and push-ups are not the only exercise we do. We also did sprints, flutter kicks, ran sideways and backwards, etc. I almost lost my dinner. I always feel a sense of accomplishment after I make it and don't die. Although, I must say it makes me a little nervous for basic training. I am so sore today I can barely move. How am I going to manage not getting a break?

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