Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Yard Project

So this weekend was pure craziness. First we had Ben (my little...well younger brother) and two of his friends out to our house to help do some yard work. My lovely neighbor was kind enough to let us borrow some tools for our project. We had decided to tear down the two decrepit sheds that we had and before I knew it I had two huge piles of rubble in my yard. I cannot believe how exciting it is for boys to get to destroy things. Clinton even went out with steel toed boots and kicked parts of the shed down. We decided since we had so much wood, it was only natural to build a fire pit. After much hard work from various family members (special thanks to Kyle and Jackie) we managed to clean up the mess from the sheds and our fire pit is just about finished. My yard looks so much better. Thanks to every one who came over and helped or just hung out and kept us company. I will post pictures as soon as I take some.

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