Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wild Weekend

So this weekend was eventful. We started off Friday night with an 80's party that our friends Kayln and James threw. It was hilarious seeing everyone all dressed up. I really need to get on posting some pictures on this site, but I have some posted on my myspace and facebook page, if you want to check them out sooner than later.

Saturday, I drove to the zoo for lunch with Clinton, took my doggies to the dog park and let them run around for a good part of two hours and then drove to Wendover. Tiffany had her batchlorette party which lasted until about 4:00 AM. Luckily Tiffany had some hotel rooms booked and I got to sleep for a good 4 - 5 hours before Clinton had decided I had been murdered and mugged. After the two hour drive home, I went up to the zoo for lunch with Clinton again and when he got home we basically died for the evening.

Then last night we went to Nadine's (my sister-in-laws) birthday party and then through a party of our own. So yeah, this post actually isn't that exciting, but its just because I am so effin tired.

1 comment:

  1. Micky it was good to get an update on you and your family. I had no idea you had joined the Army. Good Luck. We also have a blog it is thegarfamily.blogspot.com. Hope all goes well. Lisa
