Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Clinton and I had a four day weekend last week and headed up to Yellowstone to help my lovely sister-in-law start up her bakery. We helped her as much as we could, and one day we spent in the park. Here are some pictures of the six of us hiking around.

Here is Clinton and I in front of one of the falls
If you look close you can see Maurie and I down at the bottom
You can see Clinton and Ryan at the bottom of the falls
Close up of me and Maurie at the bottom of the falls
Cute Gideon and I. That boy cracks me up. 

This is a picture of a coyote that we saw in the park.

This is one of the many pretty falls in Yellowstone.

Here is Maurie and Ryan's beautiful family.

Here is Clinton and I standing in front of one of the falls
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1 comment:

  1. What an awesome trip, I have never been to Yellowstone. It sure looks like it had some awesome scenery. I'm not an outdoorsy girl ( like you didn't know...) but I wouldn't mind getting out there myself. I miss you. Did you color your hair? You didn't really send Oreo's right? I'll kick you in your face. Kidding. But seriously. Thanks for the update. xoxo
