Friday, July 10, 2009


Last night had an awesome dinner with my best friend Ashley. We talked about high school, what we used to be like, how we have grown and how we have known each other longer than we have known our husband's. It's so funny to remember being such a know-it-all kid. I made the comment that it seems the older you get the more stupid you realize you are. I have had so many "learning experiance's" (we won't call them "mistakes" because that would imply regret) through out my life and many of them have definately made me do a mental forehead slap. However, life goes on and we grow and change. This alone facinates me to no end; the different paths we choose and the decisions we make to choose them. Looking back it seems as though some of those decisions were not good ones, but it leaves me to wonder if life may not be so good now with out a few bad teenage decisions. I'd like to think that from some of the suffering (not to say that I haven't walked the line of a charmed life) comes growth. Either way, I have to count the many blessings I have had in my life that got me where I am today. I am fortunate to have a great family, amazing friends and a truely wonderful husband. Because after the day is done, your hair is a mess, you have coffee spilt down the front of you and you resemble the "Tazmanian Devil", its the people that are still standing behind you, giving you their love that matter. So here is an official thank you to all the people who I know I can count on, you know who you are.

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun last night. It's been a while since I could just "let it all hang out", so to speak. I miss you like crazy, and it was so much fun to spend time with you. You are such an awesome person and amazing friend. Thank YOU! xoxo
