Thursday, July 30, 2009

By George I think I've got it!

So I have finally learned how to imbed pictures the way I want to and so I will start updating this with fun pictures now. Here is a cute one of Boston and Hyde:


My animals can be so cute sometimes.

This is old, but kinda cool. Its a collage I made of some pictures of when we went down the coast.


I am still waiting for all the pictures to upload where I can use them, so hopefully there will be some more recent ones very soon!!


  1. Yay! You finally have pictures, so I can blogstalk you! Ha, ha. I love the collage, thats awesome. I need to learn how to do that. Miss you girl. See you soon, though aye? If you shoot me your address i'll have Brandon send you an invite to his wedding reception.

  2. The pictures are still all cut off. I still need to work on it. I did the collage in paint ....LOL. My address is 7766 Allen St Midvale, UT 84047. BTW I got a new phone and apparently it only it only hates you and it didn't copy your number over. Call me when you get a chance. I texted Steve, but he didn't send me your number. Turd.
